Yia sas to SK4YS in Cyprus

Yia sas to SK4YS in Cyprus

Cyprus Youth Council hosted a two-day SK4YS project meeting in Cypriot capital Nicosia on September 14 and 15, 2019, with active representation and participation also of European University Sports Association (EUSA) through the EUSA Institute.

SK4YS - Skills for You(th) through Sport - is 2-year project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, bringing together sport, youth and educational organisations to raise awareness about skills development in and through sport.

Workshop during the meeting

Within the first part of the project, existing practices have been identified and in the next phase, a selection of good practices will be presented as case studies, forming part of a toolkit that will be offered to the youth sports and educational organisations, as well as to other interested public. The final closing and dissemination phase will introduce the project’s outcomes to the public and focus on dissemination.

Mindmap after brainstorming session

The project is coordinated by the youth section of the European Non-Governmental Sport Organisation - ENGSO Youth, partnering with European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE), the Cyprus Youth Council and the European University Sports Association through its EUSA Institute, as well as Oltalom Sport Association and the Budapest Association for International Sports (BAIS). EUSA was represented at the meeting by its Communications and Projects Manager Mr Andrej Pisl.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

For more information about the project, please see the the SK4YS project page on EUSA or the official website at https://www.youth-sport.net/sk4ys.

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