What's up: Students and young people lead the fight against climate change

What's up: Students and young people lead the fight against climate change

The importance of sustainability, greener policies, reducing carbon footprint and fighting against climate change is becoming more and more important. EUSA has developed a Green Policy, and we are happy to see similar initiatives also across our partners. ENGSO Youth pledged to build a greener future, using sport as a tool, read about it in our students' column!

Climate change is shaping the future of our planet, but also the future of our youth. It has many social implications, varying from the displacement of communities, threatened local livelihoods and decreased recreational opportunities.

ENGSO Youth and EUSA at a meeting in Bled

Young people are leading the climate action movement, because they are the group that will be most affected by the rising levels of the environmental pollution and climate change.  From Germany to Colombia and Australia, thousands of students are protesting and marching to encourage new policies towards the planet’s protection, better education, raise awareness of the tremendous impacts of climate change and global warming and demand that action be taken at the political level.

For the 2021 edition of the European Week of Sport ENGSO Youth has decided to not only move for themselves, but also for the health of the planet. You can learn about their green pledge in the following video.

ENGSO Youth Pledge video

Also, make sure to read their position paper “Youth Sport for Climate Action - where are we now?” which was published at the beginning of 2021.

ENGSO Youth is determined to work together with partners, make a difference and use sport as a tool to advocate and encourage new policies and new initiatives related to education about the climate action and a healthier, more sustainable and greener future.

Are you a student with an opinion? We are looking for new contributors for our student column every month. Feel free to contact stc@eusa.eu to offer a piece or propose a topic.

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