What's up: HealthyLifestyle4All Youth Ideas Labs

What's up: HealthyLifestyle4All Youth Ideas Labs

For this month’s Student Column we are still very much inspired by the European Universities Games that just concluded in Lodz. At the same time, we put additional focus on the #HeathlyLifestyle4All initiative, that encompasses three main pillars:
- Increased awareness of a healthy lifestyle across all generations;
- Easier access to sport, physical activity and healthy diets, with special focus on inclusion and non-discrimination to reach disadvantaged groups;
- Teaming up for a holistic approach to food, health, well-being and sport.

In the European Year of Youth, 30 young delegates were appointed by 6 organisations, including EUSA. The young participants were able to share their ideas on how to improve the future of sport for youth, presenting the first part of their outcome at the EU Sport Forum, held last month in Lille. They will meet next in Brussels in August, and in Prague in September, sharing their outcomes at the kick-off of the European Week of Sport.

Check out the video highlight of the youth Labs initiative and listen to two of the delegates; Hugo Ferreira from Portugal, nominated by the European Solidarity Network and Marianna Pikul from Poland, nominated by the European University Sports Association:

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