Towards more sustainable catering in events

Towards more sustainable catering in events

Organisation of events poses several challenges when it comes to sustainability, and catering (provision of food and drinks) for participants and spectators plays an important role. As education and exchange of experiences are very important, EUSA and its Institute attended a conference in Slovenian capital Ljubljana, organised on March 31, focusing on sustainable catering in events.

Almost 100 participants attended the event, including events organisers, local and national authorities, tourism and hospitality agencies, catering providers and others. The participants heard some good practice examples, and were able to share their experiences, challenges and recommendations by participating in workshops. They agreed that networking and constant learning is key, and that only by changing eating habits, and food & drinks provisions will not change the global crisis - and at the same time, it cannot be addressed without changing eating habits, and food & drinks provisions.

Workshops at the event

Recommendations included tips on how to set and measure sustainable goals in general, and especially when it comes to catering / food and drinks at events. Some examples: focus on plant-based foods, food produced in an ecological and biodynamic way, offering food which does not end up thrown away, using seasonal products, offer locally produced and/or fair-trade meals, avoiding processed food and reduce packaging. Events legacy should be balanced, and sustainable in broadest perspective. The aim is to reduce carbon footprint and (food) waste per person, taking into account health, environment, ethics. Sustainability needs several actions; in communication and awareness raising, education and trainings, implementation and monitoring.

The conference was organised by Slovenian NGO Umanotera, in cooperation with Conventa, Slovenian Convention Bureau and Ljubljana Tourism, under European project Climate Action to the Table, part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI).

Example of sustainable catering was put in practice

EUSA and its Institute aim to reduce carbon footprint at our events. By adopting the EUSA Green Policy, taking part in educational events, engaging in projects and initiatives like Green Sports Hub Europe (GSHE), Healthy Lifestyle for All (#HealthyLifestyle4All), we work with partners, events organisers and local communities towards this goal.

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