Swedish University Sports Federation has new Secretary General

Swedish University Sports Federation has new Secretary General

On February the 5th, the role of new  Secretary General (SG) at the Swedish University Sports Federation’s (SAIF) office in Stockholm was taken by Anette Löhnn. 

As previously involved in youth sports, mainly in swimming, Ms Löhnn has experienced sports as an important factor for a long-term sustainable society. She thinks that for the individual, it provides good health and a tool to learn how to cooperate in groups. University sports are also a good way to develop and spread good values ​​in society. 

On the question "What will your days look like at the federation in the near future?" in the interview done after the appointment, she answered:

I will meet with many people who are or have been involved in SAIF:s activities over the years and I am very grateful to everyone who takes the time to introduce me to the job. What I will prioritize in the near future is to get to know those who currently work within the federation, understand how the workplace is operating, meet our member associations and colleagues in other associations. Like many others within the sports movement, we face challenges where the goal is to get more people to practice sports, move and create healthy habits and a meaningful leisure time.

Her vision and ambition for university sport is that sports should be a natural part of all students' everyday life and that all students know what SAIF is and how we can contribute.

The federation is convinced that the combination of Anette's different experiences and willingness to try new things will suit the federation perfectly! Christopher Svensson, President at SAIF, is happy that Anette has joined the federation in Stockholm.

"The board and I as President are incredibly happy to welcome Anette to SAIF. Her experience and curiosity and the fact that she herself has started studying at an EVL (elite-friendly university), indicates that she is prepared to really understand the world of university sports and develop it so that sports becomes a natural part during the study period for all students in the country." - expressed Svensson. 

For more information, please see http://www.studentidrott.se

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