President of Portugal declared EUG 2018 officially opened

President of Portugal declared EUG 2018 officially opened

European Universities Games 2018 (EUG 2018) are officially opened! University of Coimbra, one of the oldest universities in the world included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage, in the next 14 days will be the home of University sport in Europe. Official opening ceremony was held at the plato of the University with the presence of the highest authorities of the Republic of Portugal, City of Coimbra and European University Sports Association (EUSA), as well as the European Commission and other organisations and institutions.

Athletes, official, volunteers and invited guests were welcomed first by the host, rector of the University of Coimbra, Mr Joao Gabriel Silva pointed out the legacy of the EUG 2018, especially the complet renovation of the University sports complex that will serve for decades to come.

Rector of the University of Coimbra, Joao Gabriel Souza

Students play the huge part in both cultural, educational, political and sport life in the City of Coimbra, said the AAC Academica president, Mr Alexandro Leal Amado. He added that in Coimbra students are not only users, they are equal partners at the University and that is one of the reason why it lasts for almost seven and a half centuries.

AAC Academica President, Alexandre Amado

After the anthem of European students was performed by the University of Coimbra mixed choir mayor of the City of Coimbra took the stage, welcoming all the participants and that he is sure that the hospitality of the people of Coimbra will stay in a loving memmory to all the participants and that he hopes to see them again.

Mayor of Coimbra, Manuel Manchado

President of FADU, Mr Daniel Monteiro stated that the day of the opening of the EUG 2018 presents the start of the new chapter in the history of University sport in Portugal and that the fourth edition of European Universities Games proves the marriage of the Higher Education and the University sport in Portugal.

FADU President, Daniel Monteiro

Minister of Education of the Republic of Portugal Mr Tiago Brandao Rodrigues mentioned that the every athlete at the EUG 2018 is an example that Dual career of athletes is possible and that everyone with the sports in his heart should be able to strive towards academic success as well.

Minister of Education of Republic of Portugal, Tiago Brandao Rodrigues

President of EUSA, Mr Adam Roczek said that EUSA is proud to be in the city which is a world known symbol of University and its values, and the city which respects traditions and at the same time looks into the future. He also reminded that the EUG are games of equal opportunities and that he is especially proud that also students with disabilities are with us for the second time in history.

EUSA President Adam Roczek

European Universities Games were officially opened by the President of the Republic of Portugal Mr Marcelo Rebelo de Souza who said to all the participants that they should be ambassadors of academic culture and the Olympic values.

President of the Republic of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Souza

After the presidents speeech representatives of the athletes, judoka Catarina Costa and 3x3 Basketball referee Rodrigo Santos read the oath of athletes and the of the referees of the University sporting movement.

Spectacular ceremony was concluded by video mapping presentation that represented the history of the City of Coimbra, the University of Coimbra, as well as the Dual career of students in Portugal.

Over 4000 participants, representing almost 300 European universities from 38 countries are competing in Coimbra in 13 sports, attending educational and social events.

We wish the athletes the best of luck at the competition during the following days! For more information, please see

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