MLEA project partners meet in Sarajevo

MLEA project partners meet in Sarajevo

The Micro Learning Entrepreneurship for Athletes (MLEA) project partners met on 14th of June, for a one day hybrid transnational meeting in Sarajevo, hosted by the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

MLEA project addresses a gap in the field of entrepreneurial education for athletes in partners’ countries and the EU level in general. Tailor-made modular curriculum on entrepreneurship will be delivered through a micro-learning approach, to help athletes make the most of their time and achieve their educational goals. This project will integrate gamification elements and will be offered as on-demand service on an online platform with small learning units providing the necessary amount of information to help athletes achieve their goals. 

MLEA meeting in Sarajevo

The attendees had a warm, interesting welcome to this meeting given by the founder and former director of The Olympic Museum of Sarajevo, Mr. Edin Numankadić and the Secretary General of the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Said Fazlagić. They shared historical moments of the creation and rebuild of the Olympic Museum, the ideas behind the connection of sports and art as well as the huge importance of Winter Olympic games 1984 for Sarajevo, the Balkans and for the world of sports. 

Mr. Edin Numankadić, founder of the Olympic Museum in Sarajevo

Following this historic overview, the meeting continued with updates on the finished and ongoing activities, such as the creation of the website, promotional materials, the collected surveys and future dissemination of the project. A short overview of the past TNM meetings was also given. 

update discussion on MLEA project The following step of the meeting was having a brief update and discussion on the scripts for the modules, as well as details on the benchmarking analysis. Coming from this analysis, the representatives had a fruitful discussion, full with practical examples, answers and guidelines that will have a helpful usage in creation of the online platform and its gamification, as well as on the dissemination and impact of the MLEA project itself. 

The first part of the transnational meeting was concluded with clear picture and idea of the upcoming steps and technicalities related to the creation of the scripts and modules, that will be the main resource through which the athletes will gain the necessary information and skills to achieve their goals and find their way to a successful dual career. 

The second part of the meeting included a visit of the Olympic Museum in Sarajevo, where the atendees had the chance to see and whitness colected fragments that represent the historical moment of the Winter Olympic Games that took place in Sarajevo, in 1984. 

visit of the Olympic Museum in Sarajevo

The two-year project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, is coordinated by Zagreb School of Economics and Management (CRO), with project partners including Stockholm School of Economics (SWE), WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management (GER), Croatian Olympic Committee (CRO), Olympic Committee of Bosnia (BIH), Olympic Committee of Serbia (SRB), Olympic Committee of Slovenia (SLO) and the EUSA Institute (SLO).



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