EUSA Insider:

Ronja Stern

Age:                   22
Place of Birth:  Baden, Switzerland
University:        University of Bern (SUI)
Sport:                Badminton                                                                                       Published 13 August 2019

How and why did you get involved in Badminton?
I used to accompany my dad to his matches when I was a child. Soon I wanted to play as well, and so I started at my home-club BC Fislisbach when I was five years old.

What do you study, and how do you balance your study, training and competition?
I study Computer Science at the University of Bern. It’s really hard to find a good balance between study and sport. At the moment my focus is on sport, so I can cover only 30% of the normal amount of subjects.

Tell us about your experiences at the European Universities Championships 2019. Was it your first time at a EUSA event, and what did you enjoy the most?
It was my first time at a EUSA event and I really enjoyed it. The atmosphere is quite different to “normal” tournaments. You can feel that all the players are enjoying their time there, and after the games people wouldn’t just go back to their hotels in their own teams but rather stay together and get to know each other also off the court.

Ronja Stern EUC2019 Badminton

Why do you think taking part in university sport is important?
When do you get the chance to travel Europe in an amazing team and do what you love most? We are so privileged to get these possibilities from our universities. I think everybody who gets the chance should take it and represent their university and gain new experiences. In the end you can create some amazing memories.

“When do you get the chance to travel Europe in an amazing team and do what you love most?”

Next year the European Universities Games are taking place in Belgrade, Serbia. Are you hoping to be there, and if so, what do you hope to achieve?
I hope I can be there. If yes, then I’ll try to take home Gold after my two silvers and one bronze medal this year.

Ronja Stern on the podium at EUC2019 Badminton

What is your favourite university sport moment?
There was rather a sequence of favourite moments. For me the team matches were the highlight. Since I usually play for myself in individual competitions, it was amazing to have an outstanding team behind me.

What is your message to European student-athletes like yourself?
If you get the chance to compete, take it!

EUSA would like to congratulate Ronja for her success at the 2019 European Universities Championships, and we hope to see her next year at the European Universities Games 2020 in Belgrade, Serbia!