EUSA Insider:

Manon Zijlmans

Age:                  22
Place of Birth:  Tilburg, the Netherlands
University:        Radboud University (NED)
Sport:                Handball                                                                                           Published 12 March 2021

How and why did you get involved in Handball?
My choice to start playing Handball is mostly caused by my dad. When I was six years old, we started looking for a sport for me and because my dad played Handball when he was a student, he thought this might be interesting for me as well, and I guess he was right, haha! I did an introduction practice at the local club in Tilburg and I was so enthusiastic that I couldn’t wait to join a competitive team!

What do you study, and how do you balance your study, training and competition?
I just graduated from a masters programme ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ at the Radboud University. It wasn’t always easy to balance study, training and competition, but the key for me was planning. It actually became one of my strengths since I was urged to do it to succeed in both my handball as my professional career. Also, the Radboud University is helping top sport students out with planning which also helped me. 

Manon Handball

Tell us about your experiences at previous EUSA events, or if EUG2021 is your first EUSA competition, tell us how you got involved in it?
EUG2021 is not my first EUSA competition. I’ve participated in the EUSA Beach Handball Tournament in 2019 in Zagreb with the Beach Handball team of Tilburg University. I did my bachelors degree at Tilburg University which is the reason why I joined with another University. I loved the atmosphere at this EUSA event and am therefore also super excited to join EUG2021!

What are you looking forward to most in Belgrade, and what are your aspirations?
Well, we always go for gold so that is also the aspiration of our team. But next to the successes we want to have on the field, I am also looking forward to having fun with the team and to meet other people. Besides, it will be my first time visiting Belgrade so I would love to do some sight-seeing as well!

"Your student time is only temporary so while you still can, take the chance to join one of the EUSA Championshis or EUG events. It is the perfect combination of sports, holiday and meeting new people."

Why do you think taking part in university sport is important?
I think participating in University sport is important since it combines both mental and physical needs. Also, lots of people move to a different city to study at that University. Sports can be a great means in getting to know people and settling down in a new city.

What is your most memorable university sport moment?
My most memorable university sport moment is the last game at the EUSA Beach Handball Championships in 2019. The weather was great, we made some friends throughout the tournament that came to cheer for us and we played well. Of course, the party afterwards was very memorable as well, haha!

Manon Beach Handball

What is your message to European student-athletes like yourself?
My message to other student-athletes like me is: Don’t miss out!! Your student time is only temporary so while you still can, take the chance to join one of the EUSA Championshis or EUG events. It is the perfect combination of sports, holiday and meeting new people so while you still can being a student, JOIN!

EUSA wishes Manon all the best with her preparations and we look forward to seeing her very soon at the 2021 European Universities Games in Belgrade, Serbia!