EUSA Rowing 2017 LogoEUSA Insider:

Konstantin Steinhübel


Age:                    27

Place of Birth:    Hamburg, Germany

University:          Technical University of Hamburg (GER)

Published: 21 November 2017  

EUSA Rowing 2013  

Briefly describe how and why did you get involved in Rowing?

When my family and I moved to Würzburg in 1999, as a 8 year-old boy I needed a new sport to romp himself. So my mum made some research which ended up in me standing in front of the boathouse. I liked it their from the beginning although I wasn’t the most successful one at first. But over time I got ambitious and worked on myself during school time. The success came with it and by time of finishing my school in 2009 I was completely caught up rowing.


"it was my final race of 2017 as I am taking a year off the national team due to my studies, which made the weekend very special for me."   


What do you study? How do you balance your study, trainings and competitions?

I am studying navel architecture and marine technology for my master degree. When it comes to balance, for me, training and studying benefit of each other. On a day in the middle of exam-preparation-time there is a dead point somewhere around noon at which my brain isn’t productive any more. At this point going for a long row clears my head, gives me fresh air to go afterwards at the desk again. On the other hand just a little of studying keeps your head awake when your buried in camp-mode. To sum it up it’s about structure and about balancing right at each time, sometimes more training, sometimes more studying.


EUSA Rowing 2017 Winner


Tell us about your experience of the European Universities Championships 2017. Is this your first time at an EUSA event?

No actually my 4th time after EUC 2011 Moskau, EUC 2013 Poznan and WUC 2014 Gravelines. I really enjoyed this EUC 2017, as we had a big group from the Hamburg University there with a couple of very good friends of mine but still made some new ones from my opponents. Furthermore, it was my final race of 2017 as I am taking a year off the national team due to my studies, which made the weekend very special for me.


"high class competition on one hand, and on the other hand we are all students,who enjoy meeting new people, having a good time with our friends" 


In 2018 the European Universities Games 2018 will take place in Coimbra, Portugal, do you hope to be there? Why do you think university sport events are important?

As I haven't decided what I am aiming for in rowing next year I can’t say by now, if I can compete for a place. When i’ll try to qualify for the national squad again, it might get tricky with the other schedule competitions but if not, I am all in for Portugal! I think rowing is a sport where you compete as hard as you can when on the water and still can be friends as soon you touch the pontoon. In my opinion the university sport events contain the essence of this thought. As you have high class competition on one hand, and on the other hand we are all students,who enjoy meeting new people, having a good time with our friends and still are all in kind of the same situation no matter where you come from.


EUSA Rowing 2011


This is your chance! What is your message to European students like yourself?

No big words just enjoy your sport, find the right sport/study balance for yourself and team up with your friends and fellow students to strive for EUG Coimbra2018! The more there are, the longer you will keep the memory!


EUSA would like to congtratulate Konstantin on becoming the European Universities Rowing Champion in LM1x! Thank you for competing at EUSA over the last few years, and best of luck in your masters studies!


Find out more about Coimbra 2018.