EUSA Insider:

Baptiste Guillas

Age:                   19

Place of birth:  France
University:        University of Bordeaux (FRA)
Sport:                Para Table Tennis

Published 03 December 2022

How and why did you get involved in Para Table Tennis?

I started to play table tennis 10 years ago when I was 9 years old. I was playing basketball and the basketball court was right next to the table tennis room. One day I went to give an eye on what was happening in the table tennis courts and I decided to try. So for some time I was playing both basketball and table tennis but then I decided to fully focus on table tennis. At first, I was playing with non-para-athletes and gradually I started to play with para-athletes.

Does your university accommodate to para-athletes?

It is hard to say for me because I do not need significant adaptations. I play pretty much like able-bodied athlete. The university staff proposed to me to be in the para section but I am rarely training at the university as I am already training with people outside of university. 

Do you have a role model? An athlete who inspired you?

Yes, Thomas Bouvais is a French athlete who is a little person like me and who plays very well and doing great. He participated in the paralympics. I see myself in him so he has been an inspiration for me.

In what kind of competitions have you participated before?

Regarding competitions, I had my first international competition this year, but otherwise I have participated in national championships in France. For instance I participated in the Open France competition last year in 2021 and I have to admit that the competition level was really high.

Is it your first time competing in the European Universities Games? How can you describe your experience?

Yes, it is the first time. It was a nice experience and a great competition. It is pretty cool to see a lot of young people around my age from all these different countries. It was also great that in the times I was not playing, I had the opportuity to watch other sports, especially tennis. 

A final word for someone who would like to try out para table tennis?

It is a sport that is developing every day more and more. With the class system, if you like the sport, it will be possible for you to play with other para-athletes, find your place and participate in great competitions.