FVLA 2022 concluded

FVLA 2022 concluded

The second part of the 2022 edition of the FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy (FVLA) was held online on September 2 and 3, streaming from the offices of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) in Lausanne, Switzerland.

These two days of sessions attracted participants from 70 countries, providing emerging leaders the opportunity to hear lectures and seminars from experts in university sport so that they can bring this new knowledge back to their continental (CUSF) and national university sports federations (NUSF).

FVLA studio at the FISU Office

Those that participated in the Academy were able to become FISU Student Ambassadors, a programme which is celebrating its fifth anniversary. As student ambassadors they work to create plans to work with their NUSF, CUSF or directly with FISU - to further grow and develop university sport in their country or continent.

FISU Acting Presidnet Mr Leonz Eder

Following an opening ceremony on day one that also included FISU Acting President Mr Leonz Eder, experts in various fields of university sport delivered sessions and presentations on topics such as FISU events and opportunities, Student engagement with NUSFs and CUSFs, Development of personal action plans as FISU Student Ambassadors, Media and communications best practices.

Expert speakers covered various topics

The second day continued providing participants insightful presentations and ideas to help them build their own practice and expertise within the field of university sport. Subjects addressed on day two included Volunteer management, an introduction to the FISU Student Committee, Insights from experienced leaders and athletes in university sport and a review of the FISU Student Ambassador Programme, providing time to consider possible projects within the four themes of educational activities and local FVLA, sports events, community activities and volunteer management, as well as gender equality.

Online exercises

While the sessions were online, each day included some movement with a day one stretching workout and a ‘try the sport’ session on day two. Additionally, multiple cultural programmes and opportunities for participants to get acquainted took place throughout the programme.  

FVLA flyer

At the conclusion, participants were welcomed as new FISU Student Ambassadors and with the experience of FVLA these young leaders are now in a great position to contribute further to the university sport movement around the world.

For more information: http://www.fisustudentambassadors.net

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