EUSA-FISU meeting in Ljubljana

EUSA-FISU meeting in Ljubljana

On November 24-25, representatives of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) visited the European University Sports Association (EUSA), at EUSA Office in Ljubljana, for a two-day meeting.

FISU Sports Director Mr Juan-Carlos Holgado and Championships and World Cups Sports Coordinator Mr Alejandro Guerra, met with EUSA representatives, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik EUSA Secretary General, Mr Miha Zvan EUSA Sports Manager and Mr Mariano Carcatella Assistant Sports Manager.

The topics of discussion on the meeting included the sports programme and event concept of both EUSA and FISU, as well as a strategy for the future. Coordination of Sports events calendar, continental qualifying tournaments and types of services offered or to be offered in the future to organisers, were also debated. Both parties also discussed their relationship with Federation and media strategies.

The aim of this EUSA–FISU meeting, was to establish a flowing way of cooperation between the two organizations, to exchange information, transfer knowledge and to improve the relationship by finding synergies and ways to assist each other at events.

EUSA thanks FISU for the visit, while highlighting the great productivity and successfulness of the meeting.

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