EUSA engages with members online

EUSA engages with members online

The European University Sports Association met virtually with all its member federations on Monday, April 19, providing updates on the association’s activities and the European Universities Games.

Over 60 participants, representing 34 member countries, were present in the virtual meeting, in which EUSA communicated the latest developments regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the association, its current activities as well as details regarding the European Universities Games in Belgrade, Serbia.

Following a welcome address from EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek, Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik gave a short introduction on the current state of the organisation, highlighting the reduction in live events, travels, cost-cutting measures as well as the general financial impact due to the current global pandemic.

Mr Adam Roczek

Attention then focused on the European Universities Games 2021, following the announcement from the Serbian government in March that stated the event will not be permitted to take place this summer as initially scheduled.

EUSA Vice-President Mr Haris Pavletic and Sports Manager Mr Besim Aliti, who are both part of the EUG2021 Supervision Commission, then addressed those present, acknowledging the efforts and progress made by the EUG2021 organisers despite the various challengers faced over the past years.

EUSA NUSA meeting participants

Mr Pecovnik then delivered the latest updates regarding the status of the Games, with EUSA awaiting a response from the Serbian government as to whether or not the event may still be organised at a later time. He continued the meeting giving an outline of EUSA’s finances and the challenges faced due to the postponement of the Games, while also highlighting the success the association has had with its involvement in European Union-funded projects which have greatly assisted in keeping EUSA operational despite the difficulties faced over the past year.

A short question and answer session was then held, allowing EUSA members to voice their opinions, concerns and queries, before EUSA President Mr Roczek concluded the meeting.

Mr Matjaz Pecovnik

EUSA will continue its open communication with its members and provide updates with the latest information.

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