EUG2026 Bidding Seminar held online

EUG2026 Bidding Seminar held online

European University Sports Association (EUSA) hosted a Bidding seminar for the European Universities Games 2026 (EUG2026), held online on January 5, 2021.

Participants were greeted by EUSA 1st Vice-President Mr Haris Pavletic and EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, who also introduced the EUSA staff team.

Participants of the EUG2026 Bidding Seminar

Representatives of the applicant city Salerno attended the meeting, lead by Mr Lorenzo Lentini, President of the CUS Salerno, Mr Michele Di Ruocco, Director General of CUS Salerno and Mr Felice Lentini, Regional Delegate of CUS Campania.

The seminar was realised following the EUSA visit to Salerno in November, in preparations for the bidding dossier, on the basis of which the decision to attribute the European Universities Games 2026 will be taken. Characteristics and details of the European Universities Games were presented, as well as the requirements and process of preparing the bidding book and the dossier.

Presentations at the Seminar

The attribution of the event is foreseen to be held in the first quarter this year, with exact dates to be defined in the next month.

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