Big interest in EUSA Associated Membership

Big interest in EUSA Associated Membership

As it was already announced and promoted on our media channels, the European University Sports Association (EUSA) besides having the national university sports bodies as its members, also offers possibilities of universities and other organisations to join as Associated Members. The chance to become EUSA Associated Member and to use all the granted benefits with it, was already taken by 64 universities, coming from 12 countries.

On March 15, EUSA Executive Committee granted the Status of EUSA Associated Member to the first 19 universities. Since then, until April 15, the list of universities grew up with 46 additional universities which sent applications to become EUSA Associated Members. 

EUSA Executive Committee awarded the status of EUSA Associated Member to these universities temporarily, until finally approved by the EUSA General Assembly in October. 

To join as an associated member there are no fees, but there are several benefits and advantages.

The Universities, which are granted the Status of the EUSA Associated Member may enjoy the following benefits:
a. Become a member of EUSA Universities Club
b. Participate at EUSA Events under a lower Entry Fee (as determined by the EUSA Executive
Committee) for their students and teams
c. Priority in selection of the organisers of EUSA Sport and Educational Events
d. Use the Logotype of EUSA Associated Member for their internal promotion

You can already follow the presentation of the universities, that have been temporairly granted the status of an Associated Members. on our social media chanells, as well as on our webiste. 
For more information, on the application process, news and the list of universities, please see 

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