AUSF General Assembly and FISU-AUSF Strategic Dialogue in Kuala Lumpur

AUSF General Assembly and FISU-AUSF Strategic Dialogue in Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, hosted the 10th General Assembly of the Asian University Sports Federation (AUSF) and the FISU-AUSF Strategic Dialogue between October 18 and 21, 2018.

At the beginning of the Assembly, which gathered 24 member federations, the official speeches were given by the Malaysia University Sports Council Chair and FISU 1st Vice President Mr Leonz Eder. EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek also welcomed the delegates of the assembly, stressing the good cooperation of AUSF and EUSA.

EUSA President Roczek greeting the participants

After approval of the agenda and minutes, AUSF President Mr Yanqing Xue presented the Presidents report, highlighting AUSF's key achievements over the past two years. AUSF Secretary General Mr Kenny Chow followed with a report on future hosting of the Asian University Games.

EUSA delegates with AUSF President

The Treasurer’s and Internal Auditors report were then presented to members. In the continuation, several reports were presented by the various AUSF Committees. After, four new members were officially welcomed to AUSF family: Brunei, Lao, Myanmar and Timor Leste. All federations expressed their desire to be active members of their continental federation. At the end, AUSF and FISU Oceania signed a Memorandum of Understanding, and the representative of KELME presented their sponsorship cooperation with AUSF.

Address of FISU 2st Vice-President

A day before the Assembly, the FISU-AUSF Strategic Dialogue was organized in Kuala Lumpur. Following a video address by FISU President Mr Oleg Matytsin, AUSF President Mr Xue presented on how applying professional branding efforts along the collective help of sponsors, partners and active members has helped advance university sport across Asia. FISU 1st Vice President Mr Eder took to the lecture to speak on the long term value of sport for university students, highlighting how sport fosters friendship, promotes health and wellbeing and uncovers hidden talent.

EUSA Secretary General

EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik presented an overview of the European Universities Games recently held in Coimbra, Portugal.

Panel discussion

After, a panel discussion was held allowing delegates to ask questions of Mr Eder, Mr Pecovnik, Ms Cai and Mr Xue. Discussions included qualification to attend FISU events, participation opportunities, sponsorship, support for NUSFs to host future events and attending continental championships or games.

FISU and EUSA high representatives

In the afternoon, FISU Secretary General Mr Eric Saintrond invigorated the second half of the strategic dialogue with insights into the challenges that rights holders currently face in hosting sporting events in major cities. Mr Saintrond also presented the 2019 FISU Events. Carrying on the theme of challenges for sports rights holders, University of Malaysia sports physician Mr Mokhtar provided in-depth education about doping in sport.

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