500 days to EUG2024

500 days to EUG2024

In (less than) 500 days, Hungarian cities Debrecen and Miskolc will host the European Universities Games - EUG2024.

The European Universities Games (EUG) is one of the largest multisport events in Europe and has also been put on the world map, where athletes representing higher education institutions from all over the continent compete against each other. The event represents more than competition, though, offering also educational, cultural and social events apart the sports programme, promoting values like fair play, respect, inclusion and diversity. This is also indicated in the slogan of the event - More than Games!

EUG2024 promo events

The event is organized every two years under the umbrella of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) and the EUSA Institute, hosted by a university town - or towns in Europe.

Debrecen Miskolc 2024

Debrecen and Miskolc will host the sixth European University Games in 2024, which will be Hungary's largest sports event since the summer Universiade (now known as FISU World University Games) in 1965.

See you in 2024!

We expect over 5000 participants to join us in 20 sports, as well as local, national and international volunteers. Follow #EUG2024 on social media and join us in 2024!

More information: www.eug2024.eu.

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