Sport Employs YOUrope


Exploring European galaxies of partnership to enhance youth employment and entrepreneurship in sport
Sport Employs YOUrope


The project, coordinated by ENGSO Youth, officially concluded in 2015 but the project idea and outcomes will also be used in the future. Together with the partners – including the European University Sports Association (EUSA) it is empowering young people and encouraging employability related to the sport sector.


The project brought together a pool of stakeholders, including sport and socio-cultural organizations in order to tackle the issue unemployment of young people in Europe. Through European cooperation in youth field and sport, the project is aimed to stimulate capacity building, entrepreneurial thinking and employability for young people through the sport sector and highlights the transferable skills that sport can develop. The overall project incorporated several actions to raise awareness on opportunities of employment for young people across Europe: Research/ Questionnaire campaign; Seminar Sport Employs YOUrope; National youth-led campaigns and a Tool kit to support national project actions and can be also used as a self-help guide.


The final evaluation and partners’ meeting was held between March 29 and 31, 2015 in Madrid, Spain. EUSA was represented by its Communications and Projects Manager Mr Andrej Pisl. Besides the analysis of the cooperation, activities and future plans, final amendments of the toolkit were also made during the meeting, hosted by the Spanish Youth Council.

The project was funded by the EU through the Youth in Action programme and was implemented by:
ENGSO Youth – Youth of European Non-Governmental Youth Organization
EUSA – European University Sport Association
ISCA – International Sport and Culture Association
NOC Serbia – National Olympic Committee of Serbia 
Career Center Inventive
AICEM – Associazione Italiana Cooperazione Europa Mondo

Associated partners:

EOSE – European Observatoire of Sport and Employment, ANESTAP - Association nationale des étudiants en STAPSJCE - Spanish Youth Council, EUSA participation was also supported by the International University Sports Federation (FISU).


Despite the fact that the EU funding of the project concluded in 2015, the project was also aimed as a long-term initiative for joint action, so the network of SEY advocates is open to associated partners.


Supported by Youth in Action

Supported by FISU